WHY did you not see or act on those red flags?
HOW can you reconcile the aftermath of emotional hurt, pain and confusion?

If you feel unsure of yourself in choosing relationships after a calamity in the past or want to be rid of the emotional residual, this class is for you

  • Why is Narcissism abuse so prevalent – and how are we set up to be taken ’emotional hostage’ ?
  • The Nature of Personal Relationships – how the prevalent model fosters conditions ripe for Narcissist relationships
  • Why you in particular might be susceptible – aka why your “BS” detector lies to you
  • A new solution – understanding the 2 dimensions of any situation and dealing with the RIGHT one
  • The 5 keys that ensure you won’t be taken hostage again
  • The 4 qualities that develop inner fortitude and act as prevention of repetitive relationship cycles 
  • How to look to a new future and believe in yourself – how to develop unquestionable knowing, discernment and clarity.

AU$44 or choose what you can afford

Don't you hate it when your 'emotional self' makes choices for you that end up creating conflict, confusion and heartache? Wouldn't you prefer to be able to trust yourself, feel MORE self love and act with clarity, conviction and courage?

I want to find a quality partner who I can have a family with.  I’m scared I’m running out of time. I feel like there’s something wrong with me and don’t know what to do with feelings of rejection. I can figure out most things – but can’t crack the code on this!

I’ve already been married and I’m petrified I’ll end up in the same sort of relationship. I want to get rid of the hurt I feel, so it doesn’t impact new relationships, but don’t know how.  I’m scared I’ll grow old alone. I’m so successful at work – why not relationships?

I want to know who I am. I want to know what makes me happy, how I can feel more connected and really enjoy my life. I want to understand myself so I don’t abandon myself and sacrifice my own wellbeing for others.

AU$44 or choose what you can afford

“I’ve discovered by understanding my own (and other people’s) projections I could see patterns. Life was informing me moment to moment! I started using that information to consciously change my reality. I could take charge of my unconscious drivers and start BEing more me. ” Linda 

Kind Words from my clients

“Lisa helped me understand my emotions and really helped me and my partner deal with living with teenage children and stepping back into our power. Her work is simple and delivered in an unpretentious and easy to digest way. We all have such busy lives, I’m so grateful Lisa stripped it back into simple steps to be emotionally powerful.”

Michelle Powell
Founder/Owner “Naturally Sauced”

“For years I was walking on eggshells, not speaking my truth, not setting up personal boundaries, people pleasing and continually feeling exhausted, unhappy and disempowered. The keys that Lisa teaches are easy to understand and apply – she has such a unique and fresh approach to freeing ourselves from these patterns of behaviour. Lisa made me feel like she was walking beside me from the way she shared her personal experiences so honestly and in such a relatable way.”

Julie Bourke
Creative Intentions

“That’s what I love about this content – Lisa doesn’t take the power from the person, she gives the power. We have that power and need to see it within ourselves. I feel like I can see things more clearly. Some experts tell us what to do and we are hooked onto them and feel like we can’t do it by ourselves. But with Lisa, I know I can do it on my own. It’s simple and I can follow easy. Lisa’s examples make it very palatable.”

Samiksha Tungare
Business Administration

“The 5 keys will change your perspective of your own life and give you the insight into why you react a certain way. It gives you the tools so you can change it and don’t have to stay in that same mode you’re in. Lisa is personable., and easy to relate to. She’s on the same level as you.”

Annabel Mulligan

“I have participated in a number of Lisa’s evening groups and one-on-ones. Each time I walked away feeling heard. For me, her suggestions or the space she gave for me to step up to meet my needs was so supportive and gracious.

Zimmi Forest
Weaving Nature

“I’d never really thought about it I actually think this is pretty generic. I actually think if we all learn how to understand our emotions, we can show anyone in our lives and teach them how to do it too. One of my biggest takeaways was the understanding of why I react the way I do – I never thought of it in that way.”

Kasia Wrzesinski
Owner, “Phillip Island Accomodation”


Book a free 20 minute call to discover how you can start right now … in a way that suits your time, intention and budget.