The NEW woman. Are you FEELING it?

There is a new woman rising. She is not spiritual. She is not the earth mother. She is not the divine feminine. She is not the world changer. She is not the corporate leader. She is not the well-spoken activist. She is ALL that and more. Because she knows who she is. Her own unique magnificence has no labels. It simply is. Her KNOWING is her power.

Perhaps you’ve been feeling that regardless of how skilled you are, and I have no doubt you are … you just cannot seem to make things happen like you once were able. Like many women, you probably have a number of qualifications, experiences out your whazoo (not sure how to spell that word!) and have raised a family or someone else’s family.

So why, do you feel like things are out of control. Why is your life not looking as it should? And perhaps more importantly, why do feel like there is something missing?

I met a lovely woman last weekend at a dinner party. I told her my passion was feelings. I’ve consistently used them to enrich the experience of my life, regenerate my relationships, understand myself and others. She replied, “after leaving my high flying corporate role a few years ago, I’ve been trying to work out who I am. I never thought to look into my feelings.” Perhaps we concluded, that’s why you couldn’t find who you are.

I felt so grateful for that conversation, as did she and I left with a deeper understanding of how our cultures, upbringing and conditioning has us looking everywhere else for who we are, except in the one place we can actually find ourselves. Imagine if the reason you’re still searching, still looking for that missing ‘thing’, is because you are missing YOU.

But what if YOU are something beyond understanding?

Something that cannot be identified using your head. What if, YOU are a FEELING. That would explain a lot. It would explain why, no matter how much you learn how many workshops you do, you still feel lost, lonely, anxious, frustrated. It would explain why, no matter how good you are at something, you KNOW you are not ‘there’. It would also explain why, in our head-based Western cultures, we have a mental health crisis. Perhaps we are missing the point. A point that is right here with us, in every moment, if only we were not trained to keep looking in the other direction.

I have been witness to how ‘head knowledge’ is culturally revered and I sometimes wonder if this is a metaphor for the ‘emperor’s new clothes’.  I mean this with no disrespect as brilliant minds, hard evidence, data, facts and deliberations can lead to great outcomes. I once was a woman who only valued that. I once believed my value lay in the degrees I held, in the evidence I could provide. I had to justify my value if someone were to ask me for proof of who I was. I changed when I started to feel it was less ‘real’ than I believed it was.

What if there was another way, free of limitation, that naturally created outcomes that re-harmonised every living and non-living thing on this planet? What if this other way was beyond words, data, evidence, yet was imbued with such intricate intelligence it created outcomes way beyond what one mind was capable of conceiving?

A ‘new’ woman is being regenerated from those masculine, driving, head-based structures of our world.

You can feel her. There is always one. Sitting around that same table of brilliant minds, hard evidence and data. She too is brilliant and her heart is massive. A woman who is becoming. Becoming the love that she is, where outcomes, beyond imagination unfold without such heavy lifting. She KNOWS. She may even point to her heart and say “I KNOW”. This is the new woman rising.
She is not spiritual. She is not the earth mother. She is not the divine feminine. She is not the world changer. She is not the corporate leader. She is not the well-spoken activist. She is not the wounded child, the playful child or the rebellious teenager.

She is ALL that and more because she knows who she is. Her own unique magnificence has no words. No labels. It simply is. Her knowing IS her power.

The new woman has only to stand in the power of her knowing. To own, trust and believe in that KNOWING as her way forward. As she does, the new man, knowing the power of her knowing will hold her, support her and walk beside her.

If you are a woman, feeling that all you once knew is no longer working for you and feel that KNOWING in your heart, now is your time my love. Be you. Be more you than you have ever been. And KNOW it with every fibre of your being.

Sending love, Lisa x

LISA JAYNE is a Speaker, Author and Coach, providing every day tools for people to navigate emotions and access the guidance of their own KNOWING to regenerate relationships, deeper harmony and connection in workplaces and homes. You can book a call with her to help you personally or in your workplace, here. 

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