cocreative connections

The Danger of People Pleasing

From People Pleaser to Self Lover You probably have noticed all the information on people-pleasing available and are likely to know a LOT about it. It’s also likely you’ve tried to hard to stop people pleasing patterns but still find yourself saying YES when you want to say no, or staying mute when you really want …

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The NEW woman. Are you FEELING it?

There is a new woman rising. She is not spiritual. She is not the earth mother. She is not the divine feminine. She is not the world changer. She is not the corporate leader. She is not the well-spoken activist.

She is ALL that and more. Because she knows who she is. Her own unique magnificence has no labels. It simply is. Her KNOWING is her power.

A Quantum Shift in Your Relationships

What would it take to create a quantum shift in your relationship?  When you’re stuck in a rut – and feeling despondent, after having tried for years to feel heard and to communicate effectively with your partner, it’s a little out of our emotional reach to imagine feeling anything different, right?   I totally know …

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Recoding the divine feminine into your emotional template

As I sat opposite her and watched her being someone she was not. Staying small. Not speaking up. Making sure he felt supported and cared for, I wondered where SHE had gone. From a bubbly, loving, outgoing woman with her friends to something different in her relationship. I reflected on this and how it was …

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How to attract the ‘right’ partner

What if right now is an opportunity for you to activate your heart and flip into the divine feminine within BEFORE you connect with another person in relationship? You would be moving into being in the ‘right’ place to attract your ‘right’ partner. By being emotionally present in your own life (not busy searching outside …

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Does your emotional operating system need upgrading?

Do you need to get out of your head and be in your heart more? Are you spending more time in the habitual ‘patterns’ of emotional friction in your relationships rather than feeling truly deep connection and warm, touchy feely, love?  If you answered YES to either or both of these, then maybe it’s time …

Does your emotional operating system need upgrading? Read More »

How to feel more yourself

I’m running a 90 day program on cultivating co-creative relationships and some of the participants, when asked about what results they’d like to see, mentioned they’d like to feel more themselves. I know that feeling. Strange how we can ‘not feel ourself’, hate who we’ve become, feel disconnected from ourselves. I’m such an emotions nerd… …

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